A different way of seeing everyday life
Telephone 01963 23468 Email info@shamanka.com
The Shamanka teachings for the previous 40 years have been to prepare us for the extraordinary times of change which were foretold by the Maya, Hopi and Inka many generations ago. So we awaken to the new energies for the First and Second year trainings. The First year, which now consists of three weekends of 3 days and the final weekend of four days, has now been fine tuned to include some of the advanced material from the Second year and other subjects, which deserve a full weekend, will be offered as a seperate option.
For the Second year the deepening of our teaching and healing pathways lead us to a more profound level of knowledge and awareness as we are guided by the Ancient Wisdom Teachers of the original traditions.
In this way we plant the seeds of our new becomings as enlightened human beings.
15th - 16th Feb 2025
An introduction to Shamanka, a fulfilling journey of knowledge and wisdom. Over the two days you will quest for your essential feminine.
Four stages thoughout the year
Begins 11th - 13th Apr 2025
A first year training workshop. In-depth, comprehensive training learning how to channel energy for your healing, spiritual evolution.
Four stages thoughout the year
Begins 29th - 30th Mar 2025
An advanced workshop. Designed to take the participant to a profound level of the ‘seen’ and unseen realms using ancient practices.
2025 Dates TBC
For Men and Women
Learn about the spiritual world of the Inka, through the practice of unconditional love and compassion.
2025 TBC
One Day Workshop
Shock, trauma, illness, prolonged stress, bereavement, abuse and loosing ones home, fear and self worth can all cause Soul Loss