A different way of seeing everyday life
Telephone 07776 184967   Email info@shamanka.com

Treasures of the inka

three weekend workshops

The living descendants of these ancient people still survive in the high mountain fastness. Their numbers are now very few and their prophecies say that there would come a time when they would need to share the treasures of their wisdom of how to live in harmony with Pachamama, Mother Earth and each other,symbolised by the meeting of the Condor, the Inka. and the Eagle, the white races. This time is now

In these inspiring workshops not only do we learn about the spiritual and practical world of the Inka, we live and experience the atmosphere through the practice of Munai, unconditional love, and Ayni, compassionate reciprocity.
An initiation accompanies each weekend and Mesa bundles are made.

Weekend One: the mYSTICAL world of the inka

We experience the cosmic patterns of the Star Beings and the kingdoms of the earth, Pachamama reaching a profound connection. We know ourselves as limitless energy beings ‘living light’. Now we will work with our energy bubbles.
Each participant will be given a Khuya a sacred stone from one of the ceremonial sites in Peru which will carry them to the cave or temple where they will cleanse their hucha - heavy energy, they will then fill themselves with Sami - high refined light. In this way we will have visited the Hanaqpacha, the upper world, Kaypacha, our world and the Ukhupacha, inner or lower world.

Weekend Two: the middle way of the inka

We learn the clearing of ‘hucha’ heavy energy from ourselves and others by using our ‘Q’osco” belly centre to digest, cleanse and replace with ‘sami’ light energy.
As our subtle senses and perceptions develop we energise the ‘nawi’ the eyes of each centre.
In search of the Fourth level person, one who is guided by Mother Nature to whom we are linked in a way that we did not think possible and of the higher world beings to share in the healing of the planet in these critical times
Awakening our spiritual and energetic anatomy, our central sacred energy centres by taking a pilgrimage to a sacred site to honour each element.

Base - Siki (Water Element, Black)
Belly - Q’osco (Earth Element, Red)
Heart - Sonqo (Solar Element, Gold)
Throat - Kunka (Air, Wind Element, Silver)
Three Eyes - Kanchis (Cosmos, refined spiritual levels, Purple) 
Crown - Uma (Link to spirit)

Weekend Three: the magical world of the inka

The 7 levels of our awakening  and spiritual evolution. We discover and connect to  our Guides and Helpers at each of these levels. Bringing the Mystical into everyday world for Creativity  and Spiritual Evolution.
Using our awakened ‘eyes’ we will seek to speak, see,  act  and be who we truly are.
We will discover our ‘sacred seed’ which is also the centre of our will.
We take an inner journey to the hidden temple behind the Amaru doorway.
Integrating  and living the teachings.  

"I felt re-energised, revitalised and redirected to a more spiritually rewarding way of being. The teachings have given me the courage to face myself."

Pauline L. Beautician


Workshop Details

This series of three weekends is also appropriate for those who have not had previous shamanic training.



Weekend One: The Mystical World of the Inka - 27th/28th Apr 2024

Weekend Two: The Middle Way of the Inka - 20th/21st Jul 2024

Weekend Three: The Magical World of the Inka - 5th/6th Oct 2024



£495 or a deposit (non-returnable) of £165 with two further payments of £165 due 1 month before each workshop.

Workshop Leader:

Eliana Harvey and Sandy Pennell


The home of Shamanka Healing in Dorset


07776 184967

Misha Bundle

Inka Rite


Personal Vision of Eliana Harvey,
Founder of Shamanka

In 1990 I established 'Shamanka’, now recognised as the only internationally known school dedicated uniquely to women’s shamanism. My personal quest has been for the recovery and reweaving of ancient shamanic knowledge, and the hidden teachings of the women’s mysteries.


Shamanka is located at Middle Piccadilly set in a rural location in the heart of the beautiful Dorset countryside. Details on application.


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