A different way of seeing everyday life
Telephone 07776 184967   Email info@shamanka.com

Transformation • Knowledge • Empowerment

Women have been taught for ages to look outside ourselves for a patriarchal divinity to rescue us, and we have lost contact with our divine feminine, who invites us to honour ourselves and care for our planet as co-creators of life. Through the ancient teachings of the women's mysteries 'Shamanka' shows you how to heal past woundings and disappointments, with yourself and your world. You will reclaim your self worth as your feelings of disempowerment disappear. You will regain your fire, passion, courage and confidence as you find yourself at the cause of events rather than at the effect of circumstances. This is Freedom, freedom of spirit, freedom from 'ought's' and 'should's'. Freedom is choice - when we realise we have choice we are empowered.

Shamanism is an ancient worldwide system of personal and environmental healing. It is a connection to Spirit and core energy and a way of life that embraces the healer, seer and wisdom keeper. A shamanka is a woman shaman, a woman who has healed her past, mastered her fears, reclaimed her intuition, found her gifts and her 'path of Spirit' and heart and become a woman of power and purpose. Could this be you?

The Shamanka teachings bring us time tested techniques. Tools, insights, ceremonies and rituals from the women's path. You will experience a wide spectrum of these teachings in a form appropriate for today's world. We work within Star House a beautiful nurturing space set in the grounds of Middle Piccadilly in Dorset. I ensure that each student is cared for and supported on an individual basis by myself and our skilled and experienced workshop teachers and helpers.

"Truly wonderful, powerful and profoundly deep. I can't thank you enough for guiding us through those transformational processes. You are a talented shamanic healer and teacher. I felt very safe and nutured. A life changing training."

Josephine D. Healer

How It Works


A quest for our essential feminine essence.


A quest for the most exquisite healing and energy techniques from amongst worldwide indigenous traditions.


This is woven from many years of quest for the original Ancient Wisdom, the same golden thread of truth held within the heart of all major religions and philosophies. I have experienced and taught Yoga and Taoist philosophy, Sufi, Celtic and the indigenous teachings from North and South America including Mayan and Inca. These all hold within their core the same essential truths which I share with you.

This IS what you will gain from this training

  • Enrich your life and relationships
  • Make a profound connection to spirit
  • Encounter the Goddess in her shamanic aspect as Shamanka
  • Re-member and re-weave the ancient women's wisdom
  • Discover and empower yourself as a woman of beauty and wisdom
  • Walk this 'path of the heart' with joy & companionship
  • Develop your healing gifts as a practitioner or for yourself
  • Healing equals Making Whole

Personal Vision of Eliana Harvey,
Founder of Shamanka

In 1990 I established 'Shamanka', now recognised as the only internationally known school dedicated uniquely to women's shamanism. My personal quest has been for the recovery and reweaving of ancient shamanic knowledge, and the hidden teachings of the women's mysteries.


Shamanka is located at Middle Piccadilly set in a rural location in the heart of the beautiful Dorset countryside. Details on application.


Website designed by Giles Vincent
© ® Shamanka 2022