A different way of seeing everyday life
Telephone 07776 184967   Email info@shamanka.com

Shamanka is dedicated to the recovery of women's shamanism & ancient mysteries

Many women are seeking a way to enrich and enhance their lives, feeling more and more enmeshed in impossible demands, pressure and stress, with a sense of being out of step with their true selves. How can we create a more rewarding life?

Do you struggle to live up to the expectations of others?

Do you feel truly valued by the important people in your life?

Are you able to express your true potential?

Do you feel you have undeveloped gifts and healing abilities?

Do your past difficulties affect your sense of well being?

Shamanka is a beautiful journey to the heart of women's shamanism...its inspiring, transformative and life changing!


Shamanism is an ancient
worldwide system of personal and environmental healing. It is a connection to Spirit and core
energy and a way of life that embraces the healer, seer and wisdom keeper.


The Shamanka teachings prepare us for the extraordinary times of change which were foretold by the Maya, Hopi and Inka many generations ago. We awaken to the new energies through the 1st and 2nd year trainings.


  • Enrich your life and relationships
  • Make a profound connection to spirit
  • Encounter the Goddess in her shamanic aspect as Shamanka
  • Re-member and re-weave the ancient women's wisdom
  • Discover and empower yourself as a woman of beauty and wisdom
  • Walk this 'path of the heart' with joy & companionship
  • Develop your healing gifts as a practitioner or for yourself
  • Healing equals Making Whole


We offer Introductory Shamanic Workshops and Practitioner Training in:

  • Healing, personal and practitioner level
  • Past Life Regression
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Cutting of Ties
  • Shamanic Extraction
  • Power Animals & Spirit Guides
  • Ritual Ceremony & Rites of Passage
  • Link to Ancient Wisdom
  • Egyptian
  • Celtic
  • Native American
  • Maya & Inca
  • Munai Ki Rites
  • Inka Initiations
  • Andean Cosmology
  • Vision Quests and Vigils
  • Pilgrimage to Peru
  • Workshops for Men and Women
  • Teacher Training

Personal Vision of Eliana Harvey,
Founder of ShamankA

In 1990 Eliana established 'Shamanka', now recognised as the only internationally known school dedicated uniquely to women's shamanism. Her quest has been for the recovery and reweaving of ancient shamanic knowledge, and the hidden teachings of the women's mysteries.


Shamanka is located at Middle Piccadilly Rural Retreat set in a rural location in the heart of the beautiful Dorset countryside. Details on application.


Website designed by We Are Creative
® Shamanka 2022